The Lovebirds

The Lovebirds
Perfect Pairs

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

How to transport my lovebird to Vet’s office?

It all depends on the climate of your area. If you’re in cold climate, taking your lovebirds to the vet by cage is not advisable. The best way to carry your lovebirds is to put her in a big tupper ware container with a towel inside. If you are walking there I would also put a towel over it as well. Make sure you poke some holes over the tubberware for air.

If it is warm, you can carry the cage as an outing trip where she could see what is going on could be fun, so you could try that.

You may ask is it safe to have 3 lovebirds in the same container at once?

Yes!!! Provided all of them are already friendly in nature.

Points to ponder while transporting lovebirds

  • Keep her quiet (a darkened or dim transport carrier helps there)
  • Don't make her too excited (a small area is best then)

You should have two primary transport cages- one type- small animal carrier- like for a small cat- line the bottom with paper towel and let her be- but for the small birds like lovebirds, budgies and finches, your first choice should be a small wire carrier that is designed for tinies- the bottom is solid but the sides and top are wire- Please do cover the little cages with a towel

The next best thing is making use of a small cardboard box- at this time of year I would only use a couple of tiny holes- obviously in the summer I'd use more.

Make all transport cages with paper towelling (it gives vets a quick way to check poop too) and avoid extra time in the car (it is stressful)

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