The Lovebirds

The Lovebirds
Perfect Pairs

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Understanding Lovebirds Care

The love birds are affectionate pet. As these birds are very small, these birds can be maintained with ease. You won’t be requiring more space to have them in house. Love birds are very tough birds and are resistant to many diseases that threaten the larger parrots and cockatiels. These love birds are welcome in any house as these birds are cheerful and have gorgeous coloring. Love birds are good breeders and the breeding is very simple without much complication.

The love birds are easy to care. But it is the duty of the pet owner to get the much needed details about the birds from the breeder. The breeder should spell out the health guarantees and the kind of feed required for that particular type of love bird. The seed feeding should be avoided as much as possible. Formulated diets such as Hagen tropican granules are considered best as they contain vitamins and minerals that are required for the birds. It is hard to balance the diet with seeds as love birds are fussy eaters. The love birds can be fed fruits, fresh greens and vegetables. These food stuffs can be chopped and fed to the love birds. The wet food should be removed as and when noticed in order to avoid spoilage. Fresh corn is the most favorite food for most of the love birds.

The love birds should be taken to the avian specialist within the first week of the purchase. The vet will test the birds for psittacosis. Psittacosis can be transmitted to human beings too and hence one should be careful about it. The good news is that psittacosis is not common in love birds.

The numbers of love birds that can be purchased totally depend on the pet owner. There is no restriction on the numbers love birds to be kept as pet. If the owner has the time, money, space in the house, he or she can go in for any number of love birds. In general people buy the love birds in pairs as they can be bred in future. Besides the love birds will be happy with a partner. Identifying the sex is not all that easy in love birds as both male and female resemble closely. The pet retailer should provide the information about the sex of the love birds.

The new arrival should be kept in separate cage for a period of 30 days in case there were birds already in the house. The new arrival should be provided clean cage in the quite corner of the house.

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